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Monday, September 14, 2015

Holy Spirit you are welcome here?

If you listen to any type of Christian radio you have probably heard the song Holy Spirit. If not, here's a link to the song.

When you hear about the Holy Spirit it doesn't always feel like something you can understand. I mean, the second chapter of Acts compares the spirit to something like tongues of fire. Last I checked the only that is supposed to have a "tongue of fire" is a dragon and I don't have one of those in my back yard. 

Thinking like that can be kind of intimidating. But then if you look in gospels, the Spirit is portrayed as that like a dove. 

Almost any person that you come across would prefer the second to the first. A dove is not going to cause as much damage as fire. It can be controlled, to a point can do tricks, and at the end of the day, be put in a cage. 

We like to put the Spirit in a box. Because if He is in there we can decide when to let Him out, what He does and how much He gets to be a part of our lives.
A pastor said that there is no separating a Christian from Christ. Once we make that decision, He is always going to be there whether you like it or not.

That shouldn't be something that keeps us from wanting to follow. That should make us excited. We don't have to worry about anything. God is always going to be there to point us in the right direction. He can see every choice that is going to made but He gives us the choice of if we follow His advice of not. We might not get the whole picture at the time and that is intimidating. Not having the entire map of how things are going to happen or when and which direction you will be going in. 

This is where faith comes into it, but I'll leave that for another day. 

Now what does the song have to do with this concept?

To be overcome by Your presence, Lord. Overcome: to overpower or overwhelm in body or mind. There's a deep problem with the use of that word. When I hear that word, it tells me that I'm no longer in charge. I'm not in control. My actions and the things that I do are no longer my own. 

Here's the kicker; THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Once you accept Christ, that becomes your life. For us to think any different is incorrect. Paul said it quite well. I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. (FYI he's referring to the Spirit here.

Giving complete control of anything is hard. Doing it with your life is a completely different battle. Saying that you don't get the ultimate final decision. That you could want to be a teacher but God decides to put you at an orphanage in a third world country. You could have your entire life planned out. You could want to get married, have 2.5 kids and a white picket fence but instead you end up single, helping the homeless in city hundreds of miles from any of your friends or family. 

Following God isn't going to be easy. It's a choice that has to be made daily in a sense. Daily I have to put away desires of the flesh and lean towards more Godly things. Daily I have to let the Spirit lead me in the way I am supposed to go. Daily I make a choice of who is in charge that day. 

What would happen if we actually applied the words of this song? If we were willing to experience the glory of His goodness. To become more aware of His presence. Willing to be overcome with the power that is like fire but also has the gentleness of a dove. The same presence that helped lead over 3,000 people to God on the day of Pentecost lives inside us! But we are unwilling to let Him unleashed to do His work. 

Speaking in tongues may be uncomfortable to you. God has given some people the power to use that gift. Some are meant to interpret, some are meant to teach and some are meant to go. Each of us has been given the Spirit to dwell within us as a gift from God to bring us closer to Himself. We miss out on the fullness of God because we are afraid of what other people will think of us.

There have been times as I sing in a place of worship where I feel called to do certain things. I am sad to say that most of the time instead of doing those things, I am concerned of what others will think: so much so that I don't do what I am called to do. It's never anything that would hurt anyone. I CHOOSE to ignore what God has called me to in order to appear "normal" or focus on how other people will view me instead of how God is seeing me. Anything that God is calling you to do if from Him. 

People worship in different ways. Not everyone is made to be a singer but you can work with children. If that is the passion that God has equipped you for, DO IT! Maybe you have been scarred to raise your hands or fall to you knees in worship but what you thought about yourself became more important. If God gives you a desire to do something like that, DO IT

Passing up the desires that God puts inside of you is denying what He wants for your life. 

Being a part of Him is supposed to be a picture of complete and total surrender on our part. He is the one who is in charge, who has final say.

I'm concerned that we put so many limits on the Spirit, that we are limiting what Christ can do through us. That we have become so afraid of Him, we are willing to see what He can do. 

Holy Spirit, you are welcome here?