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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking to the future

Here we are. At the end of another year. One that flew by but was one of the slowest moving ones for me.

2015. The year that everything changes.

I couldn't resist.

Anyway. At the being of this year  I was still living in Bowling Green. I know. I can't believe it either. It seems like so long ago. Part of that is because it was. I still miss a lot of the people there.
 Hi guys.

But that doesn't mean that's where I was supposed to be. To be honest, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be. Walking into this year I was expecting things to turn out a certain way and the only thing that even close to what I thought is that I still love God and music. That's about the only thing that has stayed the same.

When I moved up to Northern Kentucky, I was not looking for anything. I was hurt, missing my friends, and unsure of what was coming next. That is when I went into what I now know to be a cycle in my ongoing battle with depression. But there's a different blog post for that.

One thing I will touch on that part of my life here is that depression is not something anyone caused or anyone could have prevented. It is a disease. It is an illness and it is not as simple as someone having a bad day and then choosing to feel better.

Moving on.

One thing I do know is that moving up here has changed some things for the better. I now have friends that I didn't know that I needed. Hey guys.

I have had conversations with them and they make me daily into a better person. I have laughed with them. I have cried with them and settled into different phases of adulthood with them.

Then something else happened. I lost someone. My papaw had a heart of love for every single person that he met. He wanted to see the best for everything that he came across and that was seen in his last days as he spent time with the ones that he loved until the very end. The day of the funeral came and everything was able to be the way that he wanted it and the spirit of God was in that place that day. I love you Papaw.

As I sit here and think of all the things that have happened, I can't help but look to the future. It looks bright and beautiful and I can't wait to see what happens.

Until next time friends.

God bless and Happy New Year.