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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Passion Week from a different perspective

I had always been close to my Father. When there wasn't a specific place to pray, that didn't mean I couldn't talk to Him. The conversation was never cut off. There had always been answers. 

But this time there hadn't been.

When you ask a question, you don't really expect the "wrong" answer. When your Father gives you a task to do, you do whatever you can to make it happen. 

"Daddy, are you there? Can you hear me? Of course you do. You're my dad. There's something I have to ask. There's this cup. I don't want to have to drink it. But if you want me to I'll drink it.

Are you there?
Talk to me!!!

My tears look like blood. I guess that's my answer. 

That is what I hear when I ask Dad the question. I know what's coming. We had talked about what the question meant. The sacrifice. The separation. The silence in which I would hear the answer.  

The Cost. 

I had agreed.

Made a promise to give everything that I had in order to protect the ones I love. The ones asleep, the ones who lived now and the generations that would come after them. This had always been the plan. When a sacrifice has to be made, it is to cover everything in blood. Blood makes it clean. The blood had started in the garden. First it came from my head. Then it came when Peter cut off a man's ear. 

I helped heal him. That's what I came to do. Helping people is what I came for. 

Then I came to the court. I knew that Peter would follow. He was a follower. He wouldn't be forever. No words were needed. Dad had spoken loud in His silence in the garden. And in the silence a rooster crowed.  

The judgment

of the people was in accordance to my Father's plan. Everything was going the way that it was supposed to. Now was my time for silence. The claims were all outrageous. They were these people's claim to fame. A way for people to talk around the well so to speak. Then came the question.

"Are you the 'King of the Jews'?"

I said "If you say so."

That was not a statement to be proud or spiteful, it was more a statement of admittance that what they said was true. I did as I was told and as I had agreed. This had always been the plan. Since the beginning of time, this was set into motion. As I am hit with the whip, I can't help but smile because I know the ending.

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