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Sunday, February 8, 2015

What time is it?

It is amazing how quickly things can change. When you live in a day and time that instant gratification is necessary to achieve happiness is it any wonder that we end up going in circles. If you don't have a phone that connects to the internet, you are looked at with a look of sadness. I want it all and I want it now is kind of what is the popular thing to go for or want.

My life has changed ridiculously fast in the last 2 and a half weeks. God decided to change me situation which had me moving back in with my parents after being out of the house for almost 2 years. The last few weeks have been full of difficult goodbyes, tears of sadness, tons of hugs and words of encouragement from everyone that I hold dear.

I found myself mad and confused at God for why He was letting this happen. I didn't understand why his plans weren't lining up with mine. I had a plan, I had things that were going right and then I a few going not so right. 

The hardest thing was leaving behind my church family. And that's the honest truth. Woodburn is family to me.

God started putting people in my life to speak, or write, the words I needed to hear. The first advice came from a friend who said that life happens in seasons. You grow during them, you look for answers, you cry, you uproot, and ultimately grow stronger. He suggested that I not let the past season keep me from what God had for me during this one. And I thank him for that.

Another piece of wisdom came from that man two weeks later. At the end of choir practice he asked the choir for words of wisdom that then lead to prayer. He prayed that all of us would do things in Godspeed. Being a pastor's kid, I've heard that word for a long time. But what stuck was what he said next. "Help us to speed up or slow down according to your speed. And help us to be okay with it.

That kind of just smacked me in the face. I then realized that I had been going at this the completely wrong way. I had seen that my timing was messed up and made it my mission to blame anyone and everyone in my path. That wasn't what was going on. This had been God's plan all along. 

Now as I am sitting in a church that is 4 hours away from where I was sitting this time last week, I can't help but be excited for what is coming. What I'm trying to say is, Godspeed is the speed that you want to be on. It's not too fast and not too slow, it's just right. Just realize that if you fall down, He'll be there to pick you up again. 

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