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Friday, July 11, 2014

So you wanna play with magic?

The fourth chapter of Matthew is one chapter of the Bible that has always caused me to question a couple of things. That's why it's taken me so long to respond to it. I had to think long and hard before writing a response.

This is what I've come up with. The fourth chapter is necessary in order for Jesus to be who He says He is.

Let me explain. Chapter four starts out with Jesus leaving after His baptism by John. The spirit has descended like a dove to Jesus and He just leaves. We don't see John's reaction but I'm pretty sure he was pretty confused. The Savior of the world has just been baptized and leaves? Really?

The important part of chapter 3 is that the spirit came to Jesus. Without the spirit, what happened in chapter 4 would not be accurate.

Jesus is tempted with three completely different things. The first of which is food. I personally have never been on a 40 day fast, but it know that on the ones I have been a part of, even looking at food can cause extreme pain or you get to the point where the look of food makes you physically sick.

Jesus is asked if He's hungry, why not just turn some stones into bread. Jesus is perfectly capable of this. He's God after all. But that's not what this part of the story is about. In this part Jesus he is fully human. But He has a little something on His side. He has the Holy Spirit. That's why His response is 'People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

Next Jesus is asked to jump from a high building in Jerusalem because there is no way He can be hurt because angels will help Him. Jesus then says 'You must not test The Lord your God.'" This is very important. Here Jesus claims His lordship. He knows who He is and why He is here.

Then Jesus is taken to a mountain and told this can all be His. Here's the great thing: satan is offering something to Jesus that He already has. He is God. Who holds everything in the palm of His hand. Satan likes to think it's his but it's not.  It is a part of Jesus' birthright.

So just remember. You have the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Don't be afraid to use it. If you are in Christ you have been called to be a soldier for Him. You've been given the tools. Just don't be afraid to use them.

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