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Saturday, July 12, 2014

The first hillside revival

Have you ever been on a mountain? The hike is long and hard. But the view from the top is fantastic.
I love the outdoors. I always have. When given the choice, I'll choose outside every time. I can't tell you how many family vacations where my family and I have hiked to get to a waterfall or see a beautiful view.

That's why I find it so fitting that Jesus' first sermon is on the side of a mountain. Jesus was living in a time of no technology. There where no microphones, no screens and no air conditioning. Anyone who would have wanted to hear him would have to walk there. And then they would have stood in order to hear a great teacher. It would have been a full day ordeal.

Verse 1 stands out to me. One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountain and sat down . His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them. He didn't tell them where He was going, what He was doing or that He was going to preach. He went and they followed.

A group from my church just recently came back from a mission trip to Haiti. When sharing about the trip one girl said the thing that stood out the most to her was how the people worshiped God. Their church services would last at least four hours. When is the last time that you went to church and stopped looking at your watch every five minutes. When was the last time that you were so in tune with the Holy Spirit that you didn't care how full your Sunday restaurant was going to be.

People in a Haiti, a country that is still recovering from an earthquake and worshiping in a non air conditioned building are experiencing the power of God in more ways than we are.

When will we realize that the only thing in life we need is to sit at the feet of the teacher and listen? When we get there, we'll be going in the right direction.

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